Job Evaluation Online

Job Evaluation Online allows you to directly compare the exact job values of all jobs in your account across all value areas and career levels. You can also include our grouping/career level benchmarking.

This is achieved through online and freely configurable "rankings" and "cross-comparisons". This allows you to recognise in seconds which jobs are equivalent or not. This makes it much easier to develop careers via job-enrichment and job-enlargement. And it supplements your organisation chart with job values.

Partner of the VDMA and BPM - HR Online Manager is used by:

Job evaluation online

Analysis of positions via rankings and cross-comparisons

Final career and classification concepts

Your advantages:

  • Evaluation easy and fast
    All job evaluations can be made quickly and easily
  • Select jobs for classification and career analysis
    Compare the requirement levels of different jobs across all career levels
  • Use ranking
    The ranking gives you the possibility to systematically analyze several jobs in addition to the individual analysis, including all essential requirements of the jobs.
  • Use cross comparison
    You can cluster all evaluations according to organizational unit, career path and more (specialist, project manager, manager...). This enables you to clear job requirements and to compare job requirements within minutes across all organized units.
  • Position-based organigram
    In a cross-comparison, you access a "job value-based organization chart" that reliably shows you the requirement level of all jobs in the overall overview.
  • Fast export for further processing
    All results can be displayed online and configured directly or exported to Excel or in your HR-IT-Tool
  • Efficient communication
    You can communicate all results quickly and efficiently. You can access a detailed requirement profile for each position, in addition to the ranking and cross-comparison, and edit it as required.
  • Import/Export
    Automatic export of the respective results reports to your HRM system (SAP, Paisy, Loga, REXX, SAGE, etc.) is possible at any time, e.g. via JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) and an API exclusive to your company.


HR Online Manager - Produktbroschüre





HR Online Manager GmbH
Donnerstr. 10, Haus 3
22763 Hamburg
Tel.: +49 (40) 22 63 99 40