Partner of the VDMA and BPM - HR Online Manager is used by:
Job Description
The basic tool: Create job descriptions (and job postings) in a few minutes. Simply answer five questions, access more than 150 job profiles and achieve job clarity within minutes. Incl. job posting builder ...
Job evaluation
Our tool for evaluation professionals: Now, job evaluation gets very easy. With our tool, you can easily evaluate jobs, compare the evaluation results for each job and achieve transparency via organizational units and career paths ...
Grouping Online
/ Career Builder
Our tool for career managers: Reliable benchmarks for classifications in german industry tariffs. Make company tariffs verifiable online and easily and map specialist and management careers with your "Career Builder" ....
Our tool for people development specialists: Access to thousands of competencies. Select and adapt them for any job/job-family and give feedback immediately. Incl. "Interview Builder" for your recruiting or feedback discussion.
Our tool for compensation managers. Create market salary transparency in the DACH region. Access to reliable market salaries based on job values, age, industry, company size, region...
We know that our customers want to digitalize the process of job description and job evaluation to the correct classification in the tariff and/or in the specialist and management career system.
Job description online, job evaluation online and classification online provide you with all this. Incl. an innovative Company Career Builder.
But that's not all. Based on Competency Online you also have access to thousand of Competencies with thousands of individual descriptions including online feedback and recruiting interview questions. Customizable for each job/job-family.
And with Compensation Online, you receive up-to-date and reliable market salary data for Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
scientifically based job evaluation system to specify your job requirements
additional questions to clarify each job description
jobs, each with completely formulated "goals and tasks“
area/industry-tariffs as well as other tariffs/career systems. AT/LA systems can also be displayed online
completely formulated career steps for the development and implementation of in-house career systems (Company Career Builder)
completely formulated competencies plus detailed questions to improve your people development and recruiting activities
market salaries for Germany, Austria and Switzerland (DACH region)
faster clarification of requirements and behaviour across all jobs/roles
more customer satisfaction

simple - fast - valid
HR Online Manager uses a modern job analysis methodology that enables each of our clients to define and compare jobs incredibly quickly and reliably.
Hundreds of job profiles including "goals and tasks of the job" can be accessed. Additional our customers receive precise questions for fast and reliable job clarification and tendering aids and interview questions for their recruiting.
Thanks to our intelligent career management system (career builder), we are also able to provide our customers with the really relevant questions for further job-clarification. Supported by our "Career Builder" users can design their own career system very fast and resilient.
Thousands of formulated competencies make your HR work much faster and easier. And the question "How much do we have to invest in job X or Y?“ can be easily answered by compensation online.
Automatic synchronisation
Link your HR Online Manager - reports with HR administration tool through negative synchronization (API)

HR Online Manager is one of the leading HR content platforms.
We offer intelligent and modern content solutions with unique selling points for HR professionals at attractive conditions without hidden additional costs.
Members and/or customers of BPM, Haufe, DVGW, VDMA and other partners are offered particularly attractive license packages.
HR Online Manager GmbH
Donnerstr. 10, Haus 3
22763 Hamburg
Tel.: +49 (40) 22 63 99 40